Friday, February 5, 2016

Use Tiled's Custom Properties in Phaser

To make editing the maps for my Phaser platformer easier, I decided to make use of the custom properties Tiled lets you add to objects. These get directly translated to fields on the Sprite objects if you use the createFromObjects function to pull them from the map.

I used this technique on my moving cloud platforms. In the map editor, I select the object and then add two custom properties: direction and distance.

Adding two custom properties in Tiled

Once I saved my map, I could then use those properties when I set up my moving cloud platforms. In the create function, I make the platforms from the objects on the map. Look at the following code.

function create() {

    // ... other stuff ...

    platforms =;
    platforms.enableBody = true;
    map.createFromObjects('others', 6573, 'cloud-blue', 0, true, false, platforms);
    platforms.forEach(function(p) {
        this.physics.enable(p, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
        p.body.allowGravity = false;
        p.body.immovable = true;
        var t = this.add.tween(p.position);

        // use the distance and direction custom properties
        // to set up the Tween
        var dist = (p.distance ? Number(p.distance) : 128);
        if (p.direction == "left") {
   { x: p.position.x - dist }, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true);
        } else if (p.direction == "right") {
   { x: p.position.x + dist }, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true);
        } else if (p.direction == "up") {
   { y: p.position.y - dist }, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true);
        } else if (p.direction == "down") {
   { y: p.position.y + dist }, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true);
    }, this);

    // ... other stuff ...


As I iterate over them to perform their setup, I can read p.distance and p.direction in order to customize the movement Tween. I first check to see if distance is defined and use a default value if it is not. This way, the game doesn't fail if I forget to set the custom property. I then check the value of the direction field and set the Tween accordingly. If I forget to set direction on one of my objects, it just won't move because the to function will never be called on the Tween.

I like this method because it allows me to quickly and easily tweak the level in the map editor until I get the level design right. I don't have to go back to change any code when I want to move a platform's starting position, direction, or travel distance. I might add a third property set set the speed as well.

Remember, you can see the complete source code for the game on GitHub!

While you're here, why don't you take a few minutes and catch up on some comics that you may have missed - like today's! It deals with the first and best troubleshooting technique there is. comic for 5 February 2016

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